Why Poland Remains a Top Destination for IT Outsourcing in 2024-2025

Why Poland Remains a Top Destination for IT Outsourcing in 2024-2025

Poland has established itself as a significant hub in the global outsourcing market, particularly within the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. Over the past two decades, Poland’s business process outsourcing (BPO) industry has steadily grown, evolving into the largest BPO market in CEE and one of the most attractive outsourcing destinations worldwide. As we look towards 2024 and 2025, Poland’s position in the IT and software development sectors remains strong and influential.

A Growing Outsourcing Industry

Poland’s outsourcing industry has seen a consistent annual growth rate of 20% over the past 20 years. This sustained expansion has made the country a preferred choice for foreign investors seeking economic stability and a favorable business environment. In the 2023 EY European Attractiveness Survey, Poland ranked highly among European destinations for foreign direct investment (FDI), underscoring its appeal to international businesses. Poland is recognized as one of the most attractive countries in Europe for investment, reflecting its increasing economic influence in the region.

As we approach 2025, the factors that have contributed to Poland’s success in outsourcing continue to gain momentum. Poland’s strategic location, competitive costs, and high-quality services make it a compelling destination for companies worldwide. According to a recent survey by Emerging Europe, Poland continues to lead the BPO market in Central Europe, outpacing its regional competitors. The country was also placed 13th in the 2023 A.T. Kearney Global Services Location Index (GSLI), ranking second after the UK in financial attractiveness and skills availability. Poland attracts substantial foreign direct investments and is home to more than 400 higher-education institutions, including 40 state-owned universities and about 20 public institutes of technology. These institutions have produced approximately 400,000 IT professionals skilled in AI, cloud computing, and data science. Global public firms have invested billions of dollars in the Polish Digital Valley, new data centers, and expansions to Polish offices, alongside commitments to hire 5,000 cloud and automation specialists.

An Expanding IT Market

Poland’s IT market is extensive and continues to grow. With approximately 430,000 developers, Poland has the largest number of developers in the CEE region, making it a central hub for IT outsourcing. Major global ICT players have recognized this potential, establishing their R&D centers in cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Katowice, and Wroclaw. These cities are now recognized for their well-developed IT infrastructure, which supports a rapidly expanding digital economy.

In 2024, Poland’s IT services market continues to evolve, with more than 60,000 technology businesses operating in the country. This growth is supported by an annual influx of approximately 15,000 computer science graduates, ensuring a steady supply of fresh talent. Moreover, Poland ranks as the safest outsourcing destination in terms of IT protection and data security, scoring 70.74% in the 2023 International IP Index, placing it 19th globally.

Business Environment and Investment Opportunities

Poland’s business environment remains attractive to foreign investors, due to its stable economy and progressive policies. The country ranks 36th among the top 50 high-income group economies globally, reinforcing its reputation as a favorable destination for business. In 2022 alone, Poland attracted over €24 billion in FDI, highlighting its growing appeal as a leading investment destination. This significant growth is driven by Poland’s well-developed infrastructure, highly skilled labor force, and strategic location within Europe, making it an increasingly important hub for global businesses.

Poland’s startup ecosystem also shows considerable strength. According to StartupBlink’s 2023 rankings, Poland’s startup ecosystem is among the top 30 worldwide, with cities like Warsaw, Krakow, and Wroclaw playing key roles in supporting entrepreneurial growth. Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Poland offer tax exemptions for investors in specific activities, which have been instrumental in attracting FDI, particularly in the IT and R&D sectors. The National Center for Research and Development continues to support R&D activities, with funding available for projects in internet technologies, software design, data management, and more.

A Skilled Workforce

Poland’s educational system plays a significant role in its success in the IT sector. The country has a low early school-leaving rate of 5.3%, one of the lowest in the European Union. Nearly all Polish students (93%) learn at least one foreign language, with English being the most commonly taught, followed by German. This linguistic proficiency, combined with a solid educational foundation, equips Polish graduates with the communication skills necessary to succeed in a globalized economy.

Poland produces 40,000 ICT graduates annually, contributing to the country’s strong talent pool. With 10% of all EU university graduates hailing from Poland each year, the country is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for IT and software development professionals.

Competitive Salaries and Job Market

While Poland may not be the least expensive outsourcing destination, it offers excellent value for money. Companies outsourcing software development to Poland can save up to 50% compared to other European markets, all while benefiting from the high quality of Polish IT services.

The job market in Poland’s IT and R&D sectors continues to expand, with forecasts suggesting that the number of jobs in business services centers will reach 300,000 by 2025. IT and R&D specialists command some of the highest salaries in the country, reflecting their critical role in driving Poland’s economic growth. .

The Future of IT Outsourcing in Poland

As we look ahead to 2025, Poland’s position as a leading IT outsourcing destination is expected to remain strong.

The country’s combination of a skilled and educated workforce, a favorable business environment, and competitive costs make it an ideal location for companies seeking high-quality IT services. With continued investment in education, infrastructure, and R&D, Poland is well-placed to remain a top choice for global tech companies and investors in the years to come.

For any software company looking to outsource, Poland offers a combination of innovation, expertise, and economic stability—making it a reliable partner for long-term success.
